Tag Archives: Johanna Renard

Performance lecture Trance in Art

On the 18th of March, Jatun Risba held a performance lecture “Trance in Art” at the University of Strasbourg. 

The lecture was part of the Interdisciplinary Seminar “Choremanies: gestural, emotional and sonic contagions” that looked at  the dance epidemic of 1518 from different angles and accross disciplines (history, history of medicine, studies of emotions, neuroscience, history of dance and performative practices). Through a series of professional guest interventions, the seminar allowed first-year Master of Arts students to question the discourses, norms and social practices that are emerging through this historical episode.

Choremanies Seminar Organizers: Janig Bégoc, Johanna Renard and Guillaume Sintès.

Self-hypnosis demonstration during the performance lecture by Jatun Risba