Vračanje (RETURN)

On the 6th of January 2017 Jatun Risba performed “Vračanje” (Return), an art intervention that took place in front of the Ljubljana Cathedral in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The performance embodies the return of “the outlaw”: the selves, who the society and the culture we live in refuse to acknowledge and validate. What looks like a Via Crucis, turns out to be a flight of an Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), a combat drone. The tied double, represented by the mannequin head, questions how our planet would be like if humans suddenly disappeared. By openly exposing vulnerability in public places, the author aspires to generate a wormhole that embraces the left out, for an alchemical process of healing.

More photos of the performance are available here. The photos were made by Tadej Čauševič. His website is: http://tadejcausevicphotography.com/

The beginnings of TRUST ART 6-10-2015

It started with an invitation of the 3 Slovene artists Janez Janša, Janez Janša and Janez Janša to participate in the their art project TRUST in which randomly chosen members of the audience exchanged their valid personalized Bank Cards/Artworks among themselves for a week. I ended up in pair with Zdenka Badovinac, the Director of the Moderna galerija in Ljubljana, and used this fabulous ready-made occasion to create a new art project: TRUST ART 6-10-2015 made of:

  • performance about Establishing Trust through eye contact among me and Zdenka Badovinac
  •  A graphic détournement of the front page of the Slovene Newspaper Delo from the 6th of October 2015 (the date in which me and Zdenka returned to each other their Bank Card)
  • A self-inquiry writing about my Experience of the whole process (in Slovene)

The video of the  Janez Janšas’ signing performance on my TRUST Bank Card:

A photo of the artists (Janez Janša,  Janez Janša, Janez Janša), Zdenka Badovinac and me in the Aksioma Project Space in Ljubljana.

Gran finale na NEXTivalu

Posnetek solo zaključka Inter-esse performansa na NEXTivalu. Po 3,5 ur neprekinjenega Inter-esse gibanja ni bilo nobenega sledu o utrujenosti. Zakaj? Več o tem tukaj.

Video in fotografije kolektivnega Inter-esse performansa bodo še objavljeni … Hvala vsem, ki ste sodelovali! Bilo je fino, zabavno in družabno. 😉


Inter-esse opi(j)a

Inter-esse praksa raziskuje liminalne oblike mislečega telesa: gib, geste, glas, dih in kontakt v delovanju avtonomnega živčevja, oziroma na ravni limbičnega sistema. To je filogenetsko starejši, »sesalski« del možganov, ki je odgovoren za čustvene reakcije, določene vegetativne funkcije telesa, učenje in spomin ter za izločanje endorfinov, endogenih opiatov.

Kaj so endorfini?

“Endorfin se  izloča v možganih, po svojih lastnostih je podoben morfiju. Beseda endorfin je sestavljena: endogeni pomeni notranji, morfij pa je učinkovita protibolečinska snov. Delovanje endogenih opiodiov je podobno delovanju morfija, le da so ustvarjeni v telesu. Izločajo se nenehno, močneje v stanju bolečin, povečujejo vzdržljivost pri telesnih naporih. Slednje daje občutek zadovoljstva po telesni aktivnosti, pojasni pa tudi obsedenost z vadbo, ki se pojavi pri nekaterih posameznikih.

Nivo endorfinov se poveča pri študentih med izpiti, pri vojakih med borbo, med in po porodu, med orgazmom, med smehom, pogosto med hranjenjem in nasploh med trenutki zadovoljstva. Znanstveniki trdijo, da z leti upada nivo tega hormona in da je prav zato zelo pomembno, da ohranjamo dobro kondicijo in telesno pripravljenost, da počnemo vse, kar prispeva k sproščanju endorfinov. Seks, smeh, žgečkanje, telesna vadba in napori, glasba, ples, čokolada in pekoče začimbe (čili) so na vrhu seznama priporočljivih aktivnosti.

Z endorfinsko teorijo razlagamo dandanes tudi delovanje akupunkture. Iglice se vbadajo v točke vzdolž meridianov, točke olajšanja bolečine in harmonizacije telesnih energij, s čemer dosežemo protistresni, protibolečinski, pa tudi druge učinke. Številni eksperimenti dokazujejo, da vbadanje iglic spodbuja sproščanje endorfinov, ki po naravni poti blažijo bolečine.”

(vir: http://www.dr-flis.si/Kje_najti_sreco)

Performans Inter-esse na NEXTivalu 2016

Drugega junija 2016 je v okviru NEXTivala – val mladosti potekal kolektivni performans INTER-ESSE (latinska beseda za »biti vmes«): gibalno-vokalizacijske prakse v stanju, ki se nahaja vmes 1. med zavedno in nezavedno zavestjo, 2. med individualnim, kolektivnim in celostnim občutenjem stvarnosti, 3. med življenjem in smrtjo. Formo utelešene zavesti, ki se vzpostavi, lahko pojmujemo kot ples »homo sacra« oziroma kot ples svetosti življenja.

Performans svobodnega izražanja z odprto udeležbo sta ob 17ih začeli Jatun Risba in Teresa Neppi. Trajal je nekoliko dlje od 20.ure. 

Več o Inter-esse, tehnologiji Umetnosti Sebstva, tukaj.


Know Thyself videos

Know thyself was an art intervention held on the 21st of May 2016 in the EU Parliament building in Strasbourg. Read the PR of the performative action here.

Know thyself PRESS RELEASE



Art intervention Know thyself occurs in EU Parliament on World Diversity Day


STRASBOURG, FR, – May 21, 2016 – In the Hemicycle of the EU Parliament, during the Closing Plenary Session of the European Youth Event 2016, Artist of Self Jatun Risba carried out the art intervention Know thyself claiming the necessity for a more embracing, supportive and compassionate society founded on the awareness of the Interconnectedness of All Life.


Those present in the Hemicycle were exposed to an intervention of the  Movement & Vocalization Awareness Practice called INTER-ESSE (Latin for “to be in-between”): a self-cultivating activity that fosters well-being and creativity while promoting social integration and empathy.  By revealing the liminal expressions of the thinking body − movement, gesture, voice and contact in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, at the level of the limbic system[1] − the art intervention in the EU Parliament aimed to destigmatise social constructions of awkwardness and the “fear of Otherness” that indeed, Risba states, – : “[…] arises from the fear of the other within ourselves and from the fear of nothingness of individual self.” The performative action was held on the 21st of May – World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development – for a reason; its message being that a genuine dialogue with others can emerge only after we dare to acknowledge and listen to our selfless embodied consciousness without fear.  It is the fear that ultimately creates violence and oppression.




About Inter-esse

Inter-esse practice researches the conditions:

  1. In-between consciousness and non-consciousness: Spontaneous rhythmic breathing & repetitive movements bring a state of full awareness in motion.
  1. In-between human subjects: The main focus is the synchronization of people through movements and breath.
  1. In-between life and death: Inter-esse is a meditation on death in motion intended as a key to better living. It makes disciples aware of the constructed and hence illusory nature of personal identity. Through the shedding of individual self, Inter-esse promotes metacognitive awareness which arises from a holistic experience of humanness.

The Inter-esse performance can be seen as the dance of the “homo sacer“[2], as it encompasses both the sense of the “hallowed” (the Inter-esse practitioner is someone who operates outside the fiction of autobiographical self and their social status) and that of “cursed” (the boundaryless self has been expelled from (post-) industrial societies through the modern concepts of insanity as mental illness and of health and self as personal properties).


About Artist of Self Jatun Risba

Jatun Risba is the pioneer of transformative art practices named Arts of Self, a body-mind researcher and performer. Arts of Self is a metaartistic proposal that promotes the use of self-cultivating technologies (“arts of self”), which disclosure and enforce human innate capacities in order to produce personal and collective self-empowerment. The website of the Arts of Self’s initiative can be found at www.artsofself.com.


Contact Information

Telephone: +386-51-776-933 (Jatun Risba)

Email Address:  jatun.risba@gmail.com


 [1] A group of interconnected structures of the brain including the hypothalamus, amydala, and hippocampus that are common to all mammals, and are associated with emotions such as fear and pleasure, memory, motivation, as well as with the release of endorphins , body’s natural opiates, and various autonomic functions.

[2] Homo sacer (Latin for “the sacred man” or “the accursed man”) is a figure of Roman law: a person who is banned and may be killed by anybody, but may not be sacrificed in a religious ritual. More on the subject can be found in Giorgio Agamben, “Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life” (1998)

Predgovor k “MRI MS”

Razlika med »jaz sem oseba, ki ima … multiplo sklerozo« (ali gripo ali rada barbike)  in »jaz sem oseba, ki je v določenem obdobju svojega življenja imela … multiplo sklerozo« (ali gripo ali rada barbike) je ogromna.

Jaz, Jatun Risba, sem oseba, ki se je pri 20 letih srečala z diagnozo MS in jo leta 2012 prerasla. Multipla skleroza me je globoko zaznamovala. Skupaj bova do mojega zadnjega diha, ampak v močno predelani, obogateni obliki. Multipla sleroza ni več moj gospodar, jaz pa ne njena žrtev. Sprejeli sva tajni pakt in vzpostavili obliko sobivanja, ki koristi obema. Pustila sem ji, da neovirano zacveti  – takrat sem ji namenila prostor ter se z njo spoštljivo pogovarjala – in spokojno ovene na vrhuncu svoje moči. Ko je odmirala, sem nabrala in posejala njena semena iz katerih so čez čas vzbrsteli številni poganjki.  Ti so prinašali dragocena  spoznanja in veščine, ki sem jih negovala s pogumom in pozornostjo vrvohodca ter z doslednostjo laboratorijskega znanstvenika. Iz njih so se razvile najlepše divje rastline v moji notranji pokrajini – Umetnosti Sebstva (US).

Zavedajoč se vpliva mnoštva drugih, ki so omogočili njihovo rast, sem US presadila na polje skupnega, kjer jih lahko prosto delim naprej z ostalimi.

Memories from the Shameless shemales Christmas training

During 2015 Christmas holidays, my flat hosted a self-organized cohabitative and experiential training among 4 young “shemales” from 4 different countries.

We challenged and tested our senses and psychosomatic abilities in different ways.  Among other things we  performed a Tsuri Tsurare (a Body-weather awareness exercise) action in a shopping mall and practiced group vocalization. The video is available here.