Monthly Archives: February 2016

MRI MS tretjič

Kmalu se v Ljubljani obeta tretja pilotna izvedba projekta “MRI MS”, Moja Regularna Imaginacija Multiplega Sebstva. Podrobnosti o kraju in času dogodka bodo objavljene v kratkem.

Soudeleženci drugega performativnega dogodka so izkušnjo opisali takole:

“Transformativno doživetje svobode!”

“Osebno se tudi sam srečujem z izzivi kako biti zadovoljen, tudi kako biti zdrav, itd. Performans mi je dal misliti v tej novi smeri. Je nova izkušnja in odpira nova vrata. Upam, da ga bo lahko doživelo še veliko ljudi.”

Več informacij o projektu na tej povezavi: 


Personal Observer 2.0

Personal Observer is an on-going photo documentary project between Adam Engler and Jatun Risba that started soon after their meeting in September 2015 in Barcelona.
The initial inquiry  was about  forms of embodiment of the space: How to embody and perceive everyday spaces differently? How to look to common object with surprise and imagination? How to build paths of worthiness and amazement in everything that surrounds us? You can check the photos from this period here.

The two artists are now happy to announce the continuation and evolution of the project. Personal Observer 2.0 has been lunched and this is a photo from their first Skype get-together. How does personal observing look like from distance, via online connection, through digital apps? How can we be and work together while living abroad? These are the core questions tackled in this phase of the project …

Personal Observer 2.0

Check the first photos from the project Personal Observer :